Little life updates

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Wow guys that month actually flew by! I cannot believe that its now March! While that month was so quick I feel like a lot has happened that I am so excited to share about.

What the Lord has been teaching me:
The last couple of updates I’ve been sharing about how exhausted I am and how I feel as if the Lord is calling me into a rest in Him. For the longest time I didn’t understand what this meant or how to do this. Recently though I have been learning what this looks like. A couple weeks ago I was able to take a breath and slow down. Once I finally started to practice resting I got sick which forced me to slow down even more for a couple extra days. This was truly a gift. Over the last month or so I have seen that the Lord really isn’t far off and I don’t have to go on this hunt or beg to hear from him I usually just have to take a breath and slow down. Often I am just operating out of a place of a rushed and hurried life constantly going from one thing to another. And while it’s not bad to have responsibility and a full schedule when I get to a point where I feel far too exhausted to be with the Lord, I know that there is something off in my life. In 1 Timothy 2:2-3 calls us to a quiet life. Not a lazy unproductive life but a quiet life that is centered around walking with Jesus. See because what I have been realizing is following Jesus is costly. And for me, becoming a follower of Jesus comes with the cost of the way I used to live my life. This applies to even how I spend my time. Right now I am learning what it means to reorient my life and schedule to be centered around Jesus. I can’t just ask Jesus to be everything but then never take any action to put Him at the center. While it’s not by striving I also have to take action with my faith and open the door like Revelation 3:20 – 22 says and let Jesus in. This doesn’t mean I just abandon every responsibility but it does mean I take a step back and ask the Lord to come in and show me what I need in my life right now. I think it is so sweet that Jesus wants to know me, I don’t have to beg for him to lead or teach me. Instead I can just take a deep breath and slow down, open my heart and in He comes. He is our Daily bread feeding me with enough for each day. Slowing down this month has been joyful and life giving; allowing me to hear the voice of my father more clearly. The lyrics that keep ringing in my head are “I have decided to follow Jesus, no turning back. Still none go with me still I will follow.” I am reminded by Jesus that the way to Him is so narrow and all the people around me may not follow. But regardless of that, I have decided to follow Jesus and I press forward with Him as the author and perfecter of my salvation, with Him as my prize and reward. When I can hear the voice of my father more clearly It’s easier to keep going with my eyes on Him. My prayer is that my life would be one that reflects the cry that says maranatha – come Lord Jesus. That I would forever see Him as being everything and the only option.

Fundraising update:
It’s been roughly four or five months since I began fundraising, in this time the Lord has brought in 51% of funds! It excites me to see others excited to partner with taking the gospel to the nations. I see so many people not only giving but doing so excitedly and expectantly. This is both encouraging and challenges me to have the heart of sacrifice and giving that so many of y’all have shown me. I am seeing the provision and faithfulness of the father in ways I never expected. I am still fundraising with 49% left, but I am sure that He who promised is faithful and he’s done this much so far so surely in His timing the rest will come in. As always if you have any more questions about this trip or desire to help fund the gospel reaching all around the world there is a link in my instagram bio to give or please feel free to reach out to me directly. My heart is both grateful and in awe of the Lord. Hallelujah!

Testimony and Thanksgiving:
Well time and time again the Lord has confirmed His hand being in this whole trip. This past month I was at a gathering and someone came up to me and said the Lord gave them a word of encouragement for me. Not knowing this person i listened, and sure enough it was straight from the Lord, a message that reminded me of following in what the Lord has launched me into. Trusting in the Him and walking in faith and freedom from any anxieties. Another testimony this month is fully one of the Lords kindness. I was reaching out to a girl who will be on this trip with me and saw that we had some mutual friends on instagram. – sure enough even though we live in different states we both know some of the same people. The connection is wild and such a sweet little confirmation from the Lord. These sweet reminders of His faithfulness never fail to amaze me!! I am genuinely in awe of all of the testimonies of how faithful Jesus has been over the course of this whole process and the trip hasn’t even begun yet! Wow is the Lord good!

Prayer Requests: I appreciate those who have been partnering with me in prayer over this trip more than you know! I want to really shift my prayers from general things in regards to this trip to more specific. I am going to be putting into practice praying over specific countries and the people there. That Jesus would soften hearts and allow the gospel to begin working in their lives now! I want to ask that those reading this would join in praying over specific countries and different people. That we would begin coming together in faith believing that there will be a harvest of souls and that people would find the freedom and abundance that is Jesus! Another continual request is funding! I cannot believe we are at 51%!!! That’s insane. I still have 49% remaining so I ask y’all to join in prayer over these funds that the Lord would continually provide in radical ways as He has already been doing! I am more thankful for your partnership in prayers than yall know, He truly is faithful and it’s only Jesus who gets glory in all of this!

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